Articles tagged with Hard
- Greatest Common Divisor Traversal - Prime graph connectivity, published 2024-02-25
- Find All People With Secret - UnionFind and Min-Heap solutions, published 2024-02-25
- Cherry Pickup II - Clear concise 2D DP, published 2024-02-11
- Number of Submatrices That Sum to Target - Subarray target sum properly explained, published 2024-01-28
- Minimum Difficulty of a Job Schedule - Simple concise code for top-down DP with intuition, published 2023-12-30
- Count of Smaller Numbers After Self - MergeSort based concise solution, published 2023-12-08
- Bus Routes - BFS solution with intuition, published 2023-11-12
- Design Graph With Shortest Path Calculator - Dijkstra and Floyd-Warshall both solutions with intuition, published 2023-11-11
- Count Vowels Permutation - Simple DP, published 2023-10-28
- Constrained Subsequence Sum - Sliding window DP with heap, published 2023-10-21
- Parallel Courses III - Process in topological order, published 2023-10-20
- Parallel Courses II - DFS + DP + Bitmasking, published 2023-10-20
- Valid Number - DFA using hashmap, published 2023-06-15
- N-Queens - Backtracking intuition, published 2023-06-09
- Power of Heroes - One pass solution with detailed explanation, published 2023-05-20
- Permutation Sequence - Recursive + iterative solution with intuition, published 2023-05-11
- Regular Expression Matching - Recursion and memoization, published 2023-05-10
- Checking Existence of Edge Length Limited Paths - Union-Find with sorted edges and queries, published 2023-04-29
- Similar String Groups - DFS + BFS + Union-Find solutions, published 2023-04-28
- Minimize the Total Price of the Trips - DFS + DP solution with explanation, published 2023-04-27
- Restore The Array - Step-by-step recursive memoization, published 2023-04-26
- Profitable Schemes - Memoization step by step, published 2023-04-24
- Maximum Value of K Coins From Piles - Bottom-up DP explained, published 2023-04-15
- Put Marbles in Bags - 2 Heap solution with explaination, published 2023-02-17
- Naming a Company - HashSet for all letters, published 2023-02-09
- Subarrays with K Different Integers - Sliding window + HashMap, published 2023-02-07
- Word Break II - Word Break extension (DP), published 2023-01-27
- Concatenated Words - Word Break extension (DP), published 2023-01-27
- Human Traffic of Stadium - Hacky solution, published 2022-12-01
- Department Top Three Salaries - Dense rank, published 2022-12-01
- Paths in Matrix Whose Sum Is Divisible by K - 3D DP table, published 2022-11-30
- Maximum Profit in Job Scheduling - [Explained + Example] DP (Knapsack)+ OOP Faster than 97%, published 2022-11-26
- Word Search II - [Explained] Trie + DFS Clean C++ code, published 2022-11-16
- Reverse Nodes in k-Group - Well explained solution in easy way, published 2022-10-25
- Shortest Common Supersequence - DP LCS variations, published 2022-09-27
- Trapping Rain Water - Easy method, published 2022-04-16
- Find Median from Data Stream - Classical solution two heaps, published 2022-03-29
- Merge k Sorted Lists - Min heap solution, published 2022-02-05
- Maximum Good People Based on Statements - [C++,Java,Python] Detailed easy to understand bitmask, published 2022-01-25