Maximum Profit in Job Scheduling - [Explained + Example] DP (Knapsack)+ OOP Faster than 97%
Problem Statement:
We have n
jobs, where every job is scheduled to be done from startTime[i]
to endTime[i]
, obtaining a profit of profit[i]
You're given the startTime
, endTime
and profit
arrays, return the maximum profit you can take such that there are no two jobs in the subset with overlapping time range.
If you choose a job that ends at time X
you will be able to start another job that starts at time X
Example 1:
Input: startTime = [1,2,3,3], endTime = [3,4,5,6], profit = [50,10,40,70] Output: 120 Explanation: The subset chosen is the first and fourth job. Time range [1-3]+[3-6] , we get profit of 120 = 50 + 70.
Example 2:
Input: startTime = [1,2,3,4,6], endTime = [3,5,10,6,9], profit = [20,20,100,70,60] Output: 150 Explanation: The subset chosen is the first, fourth and fifth job. Profit obtained 150 = 20 + 70 + 60.
Example 3:
Input: startTime = [1,1,1], endTime = [2,3,4], profit = [5,6,4] Output: 6
1 <= startTime.length == endTime.length == profit.length <= 5 * 104
1 <= startTime[i] < endTime[i] <= 109
1 <= profit[i] <= 104
We sort the jobs by their ending times.
Now as we traverse through the jobs
array, we are going to apply a logic similar to Knapsack:
- We maintain a
array of(endTime,maxProfitTillHere)
entities. We initialize it to[(0,0)]
. - For each job, we have two options: (i) To do this job: in this case we need to find the
till the time before thestartTime
of current job. (ii) Not do this job: in the case we will have the samemaxProfit
till the previousdp
member. - This is equivalent to the two options we have in a knapsack problem.
Input: startTime = [1,2,3,3], endTime = [3,4,5,6], profit = [50,10,40,70]
Then sorted by endTime, we will have
jobs = [(1,3,50),(2,4,10),(3,5,40),(3,6,70)]
Initialize dp:
dp = [(0,0)]`
At i=0,
option_A = 0+50
option_B = 0
dp gets appended.
dp = [(0,0),(3,50)]
At i=1, Job = (2,4,10):
option_A = 0+10
option_B = 50
dp remains same.
dp = [(0,0),(3,50)]
At i=2, Job = (3,5,40):
option_A = 50+40
option_B = 50
dp gets appended
dp = [(0,0),(3,50),(5,90)]
At i=3, Job = (3,6,70):
option_A = 50+70
option_B = 90
dp gets appended
dp = [(0,0),(3,50),(5,90),(6,120)]
Finally answer is 120.
For implementation we create a custom class Job
. For the DP part, we just use startTime=-1
for all timestamps as it does not matter.
C++ code:
class Job
int startTime, endTime, profit;
Job(int s, int e, int p): startTime(s), endTime(e), profit(p) {}
bool operator < (const Job &other_job)const{return endTime < other_job.endTime;}
bool operator == (const Job &other_job)const{return endTime == other_job.endTime;}
class Solution {
int jobScheduling(vector<int>& startTime, vector<int>& endTime, vector<int>& profit)
int n = startTime.size();
vector<Job> jobs;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
vector<Job> dp = vector<Job>{Job(-1,0,0)};
for (const Job &job: jobs)
auto itr = upper_bound(dp.begin(),dp.end(),Job(-1,job.startTime,-1));
int idx = itr-dp.begin()-1;
int opt_A = dp[idx].profit + job.profit;
int opt_B = dp.rbegin()->profit;
if (opt_A > opt_B)
dp.push_back(Job(-1,job.endTime, opt_A));
return dp.rbegin()->profit;