Articles tagged with String
- Partition Labels - Greedy logic, published 2023-12-23
- Longest Palindromic Substring - Boolean DP, published 2023-10-27
- Design Add and Search Words Data Structure - Trie structure, published 2023-10-27
- Valid Number - DFA using hashmap, published 2023-06-15
- Multiply Strings - Simple string operations and heuristics, published 2023-06-08
- Extra Characters in a String - Top-down and Bottom-up DP, published 2023-05-29
- Regular Expression Matching - Recursion and memoization, published 2023-05-10
- Dota2 Senate - Simulation using Queue, published 2023-05-04
- Similar String Groups - DFS + BFS + Union-Find solutions, published 2023-04-28
- Restore The Array - Step-by-step recursive memoization, published 2023-04-26
- Minimum Additions to Make Valid String - Multiple solutions explained, published 2023-04-18
- Longest Palindromic Subsequence - Bottom-up DP explained, published 2023-04-14
- Longest Palindromic Subsequence - Bottom-up + Top-down DP explained, published 2023-04-14
- Simplify Path - Short stack solution, published 2023-04-12
- Removing Stars From a String - Simple stack solution, published 2023-04-11
- String Compression - Simple two pointer solution, published 2023-03-02
- Substring XOR Queries - Clean HashMap solution, published 2023-02-13
- Naming a Company - HashSet for all letters, published 2023-02-09
- Zigzag Conversion - Easy Method, published 2023-02-03
- Word Break II - Word Break extension (DP), published 2023-01-27
- Concatenated Words - Word Break extension (DP), published 2023-01-27
- Day of the Year - Intuitive C++ solution, published 2023-01-05
- Longest Absolute File Path - Monotonic stack solution explained, published 2022-12-29
- Word Search II - [Explained] Trie + DFS Clean C++ code, published 2022-11-16
- Reverse Words in a String - ✅ ✅ ✅ One Liner, published 2022-11-13
- Odd String Difference - O(1) space + 100% faster, published 2022-11-12
- Valid Parentheses - C++ stack clean 10 line solution, published 2022-10-25
- Partition Labels - Greedy Solution, published 2022-10-25
- Palindromic Substrings - C++ DP with explanation, published 2022-10-25
- Decode String - C++ Stack 100%, published 2022-10-25
- Word Break - Easy Concise DP, published 2022-10-21
- Fraction to Recurring Decimal - [Faster than 100%] Easy + Concise C++ Step by step, published 2022-10-21
- Top K Frequent Words - [C++,Python(3/1 lines)] Two methods: Sorting / Max heap, published 2022-10-19
- Break a Palindrome - [6 liner] Simple logic simple solution, published 2022-10-10
- Time Based Key-Value Store - HashMap + Ordered Map, published 2022-10-06
- Group Anagrams - Easy hashmap, published 2022-10-04
- Count and Say - Two pointer solution, published 2022-10-04
- Minimum Time to Make Rope Colorful - Easy approach O(N) solution based on RLE, published 2022-10-03
- Decode Ways - DP Easy Way, published 2022-10-01
- Shortest Common Supersequence - DP LCS variations, published 2022-09-27
- Push Dominoes - Nearest domino on each side, published 2022-09-27
- Longest String Chain - Very Easy Hashmap solution + Analysis, published 2022-06-15
- Delete Operation for Two Strings - Edit Distance + LCS DP solutions, published 2022-06-14
- Letter Combinations of a Phone Number - Iterative solution, published 2022-05-09
- Remove All Adjacent Duplicates in String II - Solution using stack, published 2022-05-06
- Smallest String With Swaps - DFS solution, published 2022-04-27
- Encode and Decode TinyURL - Easy HashMap solution, published 2022-04-23
- Top K Frequent Words - 3 line simplest O(n log n ) solution by sorting, published 2022-03-27
- Number of Steps to Reduce a Number in Binary Representation to One - Simply simulate the steps, published 2022-03-27
- Check If a String Contains All Binary Codes of Size K - HashSet 2 solutions O(n) and O(nk), published 2022-02-13
- Permutation in String - Sliding window, published 2022-02-11
- Find All Anagrams in a String - Simplest solution ever, published 2022-02-02
- Add Binary - Serious and non-serious solution, published 2022-01-21
- Find All Possible Recipes from Given Supplies - Two ways to do topological sort, published 2021-12-29
- Check if a Parentheses String Can Be Valid - Greedy Solution with easy to understand intuition [C++,Python], published 2021-12-29
- Robot Bounded In Circle - C++ Basic solution, published 2021-12-10