Articles tagged with Java
- Restore the Array From Adjacent Pairs - Create graph and run DFS, published 2023-11-10
- Longest Palindromic Substring - Boolean DP, published 2023-10-27
- Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row - BFS and DFS solutions, published 2023-10-24
- Maximum Level Sum of a Binary Tree - BFS in Java, published 2023-06-15
- Solving Questions With Brainpower - Top-down and bottom-up DP with intuition, published 2023-05-12
- Permutation Sequence - Recursive + iterative solution with intuition, published 2023-05-11
- Dota2 Senate - Simulation using Queue, published 2023-05-04
- Range Sum Query - Mutable - Segment tree in C++ and Java, published 2023-05-01
- Number of Provinces - Union Find in C++ and Java, published 2023-04-29
- Checking Existence of Edge Length Limited Paths - Union-Find with sorted edges and queries, published 2023-04-29
- Maximum Good People Based on Statements - [C++,Java,Python] Detailed easy to understand bitmask, published 2022-01-25