Maximum Level Sum of a Binary Tree - BFS in Java
Problem Statement:
Given the root
of a binary tree, the level of its root is 1
, the level of its children is 2
, and so on.
Return the smallest level x
such that the sum of all the values of nodes at level x
is maximal.
Example 1:
Input: root = [1,7,0,7,-8,null,null] Output: 2 Explanation: Level 1 sum = 1. Level 2 sum = 7 + 0 = 7. Level 3 sum = 7 + -8 = -1. So we return the level with the maximum sum which is level 2.
Example 2:
Input: root = [989,null,10250,98693,-89388,null,null,null,-32127] Output: 2
- The number of nodes in the tree is in the range
[1, 104]
. -105 <= Node.val <= 105
This problem can be solved by BFS.
public int maxLevelSum(TreeNode root)
int curLevel=1, resLevel=0, maxSum=Integer.MIN_VALUE;
Queue<TreeNode> Q = new LinkedList<>();
int curSum = 0;
for(int i=Q.size(); i>0; i--)
TreeNode cur = Q.poll();
curSum += cur.val;
if(cur.left!=null) Q.add(cur.left);
if(cur.right!=null) Q.add(cur.right);
if (curSum>maxSum)
maxSum = curSum;
resLevel = curLevel;
return resLevel;
TC: $O(n)$, SC: $O(1)$