Articles tagged with Greedy
- Partition Labels - Greedy logic, published 2023-12-23
- Minimum Cost to Make Array Equalindromic - Check one palindrome on each side of median, published 2023-12-18
- Largest Submatrix With Rearrangements - Permute histogram bars to maximize area, published 2023-11-26
- Dota2 Senate - Simulation using Queue, published 2023-05-04
- Minimum Additions to Make Valid String - Multiple solutions explained, published 2023-04-18
- Put Marbles in Bags - 2 Heap solution with explaination, published 2023-02-17
- Partition Labels - Greedy Solution, published 2022-10-25
- Break a Palindrome - [6 liner] Simple logic simple solution, published 2022-10-10
- Minimum Time to Make Rope Colorful - Easy approach O(N) solution based on RLE, published 2022-10-03
- Non-overlapping Intervals - Greedy cpp+python, published 2022-06-17
- Valid Triangle Number - O(N^2) log(N) Binary Search [AC], published 2022-02-09
- Check if a Parentheses String Can Be Valid - Greedy Solution with easy to understand intuition [C++,Python], published 2021-12-29